Are you looking to streamline your vinyasa? Give your flow more…flow? Want to maintain the health of your shoulders and low back as you explore chaturanga dandasana? We’ll dig into the alignment of high and low plank and how to manage the transition safely and smoothly. We’ll discuss the importance of using core to move into and out of chaturanga with ease. There will be plenty of adaptations offered to make chaturanga accessible to anyone who wants to incorporate this pose into their practice. Plus, familiarizing yourself with the components of chaturanga will better prepare you for arm balances like crow, side crow, eight-angle pose, flying lizard, and many more! This workshop is for all levels, new and seasoned yogis alike!
3-5pm $35 Or $10 off with purchase of “Finding Flow” Worshop Series+ Chaturanga+Arm balances $150 bundle for all 6 weeks