Mindfulness Movie Night
Saturday, May 13th 8-11:30pm
Intuitive healer/coach and detoxification specialist Cheyne Goulden and Kahley Cuff are so excited to have the opportunity to bring this movie (What the Health) to more people. Movie creator Kip Anderson has gone places no one else has to bring us ground breaking information that many are hearing for the first time. It is powerful, enlightening and dedicated to helping people heal. The doors will open at 8 with vegan snacks and movie starts at 8:30, movie is an hour and 40 mins long– leaving time after for question and answer/ open discussion. This will be a fun laid back night. You are welcome to bring a pillow and blanket and your favorite vegan snack 🙂 If you are interested in learning more about a healthier life, food, your body, and the truth about where to start.. this is the place to come! This event is donation based. Thank you so much ♥
Check out the facebook event here